6:15 PM (O)    Reading/Writing                                                               WSO Group #57186
Contact: Beaky 808-212-4129

Meets In Person:    3146 Akahi Street   Lihue, HI

Note: Call contact before attending to confirm meeting in the event of a change.

9:00 AM (O) Literature                                                                               WSO Group #54134
Contact: Beth 619-977-5309

Meets On Zoom.           Meeting ID 875 2357 6849       Password 440004

Zoom link:

Note: Those with all food-related issues welcome.      

9:15 AM (O) Literature                                                                                WSO Group #54799
Contact:  Beaky 808-212-4129
 Meets In Person:     3146 Akahi Street   Lihue, HI

(O) Open meeting, open to anyone.
(C) Closed meeting, open only to anyone with a desire to stop eating compulsively or anyone who thinks they may have a problem with compulsive overeating.
* Wheelchair accessible meeting.
Occasionally meetings move or are cancelled; please call to confirm a meeting. For outdoor meetings, we recommend calling in advance so attendees can be watching for you.

Intergroup/Service Board Information
Intergroup number: 09111
OA Hawai’i Interisland Intergroup
6075 Zenith Court NE, Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87144-6424
Phone: 505-891-2664
Part of Region: 02
Service Area: Hawai’i